以第一作者和通讯作者发表论文列表: 在Science of the Total Environment、Forest Ecology and Management、Functional Ecology、林业科学研究等林业与生态学期刊发表40余篇相关研究论文。论文被Nature子刊Nature Ecology & Evolution, 生态学顶刊New Phytologist, Journal of Ecology等顶级期刊的高水平论文引用。代表性论文如下: 1) Chunsheng Wu, Michael D. Ulyshen, Chunjie Shu, Zhijian Zhang, Yi Zhang, Yuanqiu Liu*, G. Geoff Wang*. Stronger effects of termites than microbes on wood decomposition in a subtropical forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 2021, 493, 119263. 2) Chunsheng Wu, Zhijian Zhang, Chunjie Shu, Qifeng Mo, Hankun Wang, Fanqian Kong, Yi Zhang, G. Geoff Wang*, Yuanqiu Liu*. The response of coarse woody debris decomposition and microbial community to nutrient additions in a subtropical forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 2020, 460, 117799. 3) Chunsheng Wu, Zhijian Zhang, Hankun Wang, Guoxian Huang, Chunjie Shu, Fanqian Kong, Yi Zhang, G. Geoff Wang*, Yuanqiu Liu*. Home-field advantage of CWD decomposition in subtropical forests varied by field sites. Forest Ecology and Management, 2019, 444, 127-137. 4) Chunsheng Wu, Hankun Wang, Qifeng Mo, Zhijian Zhang, Guoxian Huang, Fanqian Kong, Yuanqiu Liu*, G. Geoff Wang*. Effects of elevated UV-B radiation and N deposition on coarse woody debris decomposition. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 663, 170-176. 5) Chunsheng Wu, Zhijian Zhang, Hankun Wang, Chao Li, Qifeng Mo, Yuanqiu Liu*. Photodegradation accelerates coarse woody debris decomposition in subtropical forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 2018, 409, 225-232. |